Here you can find answers to the most popular customer questions on iSpring products.
Flash Output
Is it possible to have a button in a slide that can launch another file?
It is very easy to do this with PowerPoint and iSpring. On the PowerPoint toolbar, choose the "Insert" tab, then "Shapes" (or any other object you like), and then specify the hyperlink or any other external file for this button.
If I publish my presentation to the web, will the users have to wait until the entire Flash file is loaded to start viewing it?
Flash presentations start to play as soon as the first slide is loaded, so the users will not wait.
Is it possible to create Flash clips with international content using iSpring?
iSpring products are enhanced with additional facilities to support both left-to-right and right-to-left languages.
A Flash movie I've inserted plays fine in PowerPoint, but after the conversion only a blank slide is displayed. What should I do?
If a Flash movie plays fine in PowerPoint, but turned blank after the conversion, most probably the reason of the issue is the type of the Flash movie. Flash movies could be created with ActionScript 2.0 programming language or with a newer, ActionScript 3.0 version.
What Adobe Flash Player version do I have to have to play iSpring-created presentations?
Even though in most cases Flash Player 8 works fine, there are some reasons to use a more recent version of Flash Player:
Is it possible to control iSpring SDK generated files from the Flex application that uses ActionScript 3.0?
iSpring SDK version 6 and later provides the PPT to Flash SDK for AS3 component that allows to generate Flash files in ActionScript 3.
How is a trial version different from the full version?
The iSpring SDK evaluation version is fully functional and is absolutely equal to the full version in terms of functionality and quality of content it produces.
What are the system requirements for using iSpring SDK?
iSpring SDK System Requirements
What version of ActionScript is supported by iSpring SDK?
iSpring SDK version 6 or higher can generate Flash presentations in ActionScript 3 and ActionScript 2. iSpring SDK provides two conversion components: PPT to Flash SDK for AS3 with support for ActionScript 3 and PPT to Flash SDK for AS2 with support for ActionScript 3. You can license only one component that supports the required version of ActionScript or both.
Is it possible to call the converter from an application written in Java in a Windows environment in any of iSpring products?
Yes, it is possible to do so using the COM API of iSpring SDK via Java-COM bridge.
Does iSpring support video embedded into a presentation?
Yes, it does. You can add video files from the PowerPoint toolbar. After conversion, all external video files will be embedded into your HTML5 presentation.
The video file in my Flash presentation doesn't play. Why?
You can insert video files of various formats into your presentation: .AVI, .MOV, .MPG, .MPEG, .ASF, .WMV.
What audio formats does iSpring support?
iSpring currently supports audio files in WAV, MP3, and WMA formats.
Why can't I import my audio files?
If you have specified background audio file(s) for an entire presentation or for particular slides, but it doesn't appear in your Flash presentation, please make sure that
Where should I enter License Key I got after purchase?
The license has to be activated just once. You can activate it through command line
Where can I get the version number and license key of my iSpring SDK?
There 3 ways how you can check the version of your copy of iSpring SDK
Size and Compression
Will the presentation file size be reduced after publishing to Flash?
In most cases, iSpring generates Flash files of much smaller size than the original PowerPoint file.