Salesforce Integration with iSpring Learn: Sync Employee Data Automatically
Our new integration with Salesforce is here! Now you can connect Salesforce and iSpring Learn LMS to sync employee data...
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Our new integration with Salesforce is here! Now you can connect Salesforce and iSpring Learn LMS to sync employee data...
Just a few decades ago, freshly hired employees were expected to stay with their new company for the long haul...
You wouldn’t give a car key to a young man who has only attended one lesson at a driving school...
Learning and development (L&D) is a core area of HR management. L&D professionals need to ensure that employee skills and...
A learning management system (LMS) is an online platform that enables you to streamline your corporate training, identify your team’s...
Imagine a game with no rules. Players are rushing around the playground yelling; one player is trying to kick a...
Employees are currently getting less face time with employers and teammates than at any other time in recent history. Our...
Tracking learner progress with iSpring Learn has become even simpler. Now you can see real-time statistics on individual and department...
As remote work gets more and more essential due to the global pandemic, employers need to update their processes and...
Forever Direct is the regional distribution center of Forever Living Products, an American privately held multi-level marketing company that manufactures...
Hiring a new employee can be a costly adventure: “Not every new hire will demand the entire process, but even...
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